County Youth Commissioner
Youth Commissioners support volunteers to make sure that young people shape their programme, influence decisions, and take the lead. Do you have the skills, commitment and enthusiasm to take on this role?
County Youth Commissioners support volunteers in their County (including District Teams, District Youth Commissioners, and Assistant County Commissioners) to make sure that the County’s activity is informed by young people’s ideas and feedback.
County Youth Commissioners can:
Help to make sure that the County programme is shaped by young people.
Create opportunities for young people to provide feedback (often through a County Youth Forum).
Promote the YouShape award and top awards.
Support the District Youth Commissioners in their County, bringing them together to support each other, share ideas, and work towards a shared vision.
Inspire and motivate young people in the County and make sure they know about all the different opportunities available to them in Scouts, including what they can do when they turn 18.
Influence decisions that are made in the County as a member of the County Executive Committee, making sure that young people are at the heart of decisions.