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County Youth Lead

We are seeking someone for the role of County Youth Lead. 


What does a County Youth Lead do?

As part of the County Leadership Team, our Youth Leads make sure Scouts is shaped by young people aged 4-25. They champion, encourage and lead work in their area, supporting volunteers to empower young people and embed their ideas and decisions into Scouts locally.

Youth Leads play a key role in the leadership and management of their County.

They are aged 18-25 at appointment and enable volunteers to embed the ideas and decisions of young people into local scouting.


They play a key role in the leadership and management of the County. They need to motivate both volunteers and young people. Responsibilities in a Youth Lead role vary, but are likely to include:


– Help to make sure that the County programme is shaped by young people.

– Create opportunities for young people to provide feedback (often through a County Youth Forum).

– Promote the YouShape award and top awards.

– Support the District Youth Leads in their County, bringing them together to support each other, share ideas, and work towards a shared vision.

– Inspire and motivate young people in the County and make sure they know about all the different opportunities available to them in Scouts, including what they can do when they turn 18.

– Influence decisions that are made in the County as a member of the County Trustee Board, making sure that young people are at the heart of decisions.


If you would like some more information about the role or a chat with the Team to see if this is the role for you please get in contact with us, email:

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Hertfordshire County Scout Council registered charity in England and Wales: 302606 Scotland: 039650 

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