Hertfordshire Scouts is a thriving County offering fun and adventure to young people to gain skills for life
In these challenging times our young people need Scouting more than ever and to enable this we rely on some amazing volunteers and seeks eager and willing adults to join our team. We are excited to offer some great opportunities to those who are willing to put their own skills to use and learn new ones and work with some fantastic young people and the adults that support them. All roles offer the opportunity to work together supporting and contributing to an amazing life experience for you and your local community.
Hertfordshire Scouts County Roles
Activity Centres - Service Teams
Our volunteers come from all backgrounds – from students to Scout Leaders, retired professionals to those just wanting to get involved in something different and rewarding for a couple of hours a week and most important its #GoodForYou
You may just want to volunteer to help on a short term basis or be interested in a more regular volunteer position with us – either way your contribution will be invaluable in helping us run and develop our Activity Centres. With Phasels and Tolmers our larger centres, coupled with Harmergreen and Well End on the smaller side, it doesn't matter if you're with us for just a few hours or become a regular volunteer, you'll be given full support and training to fulfil your role and become part of #TeamHertfordshire
You may have professional trade skills that can help maintain our facilities, such as carpentry or mechanics, or just be interested in getting involved in the day-to-day support of our centres. Whatever your current skills and aims we're sure to have the right role for you. Midweek, weekends, evenings, we operate 7 days a week so can be flexible around your availability.
Role description
The Service Crew or Service Teams at each of our locations offer support across all aspects of running a busy activity centre, including:
Activity Instructors
Car Parking
General Maintenance
Ground works and landscaping
Tradesmen (electricians, carpenters, etc)
To apply
Follow the link HERE to apply so we can find the most suitable position and placement. For more information or queries, please email hrsupport@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Bishop's StortfordSection Leaders and Assistants – all Sections, but especially Beavers and Explorers Group Scout Leaders – large and growing Groups Group Chairperson Group Secretary Group Treasurer Training Advisers Scout Adult Support team Members of Executive/maintenance/communications teams There is also significant housing development all around us, so we are looking towards a growing need and not just to accommodate current waiting lists. If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.bishopsstortford@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
East Herts3rd Hoddesdon 2 Beaver Assistant leaders 2 Cub Assistant leaders 2 Scout Assistant leaders 3rd Waltham Cross Group Scout Leader Scout Leader General assistants for all sections 1st Turnford Scouts at least one assistant Cubs – leader and 2 assistants Beavers – 2 assistants Explorers DESC District Team District Commissioner Deputy District Commissioner Assistant District Commissioner Cubs 2nd Goffs Oak Goffs Oak have one leader only so vacancies across all 3 sections 2nd Hoddesdon Scout Leader and 2 assistants Cub leader and 2 assistants Group Scout Leader One assistant Beaver leader 1st Hammondstreet Leaders and assistants in all 3 sections Because there are no leaders, at present this group is meeting with 2nd Goffs Oak. They did register this year on the census and we need to make them a priority. They do have an Executive committee. 1st Broxbourne 2 Cub leaders 1 Beaver leader 5th Hoddesdon 1 Assistant Beaver leader 1 Assistant Cub leader If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.eastherts@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Harpenden & WheathampsteadADC Cubs DESC Youth Commissioner GSL 5th Harpenden Section Leadership roles across the whole of Harpenden, Wheathampstead & Kimpton. If you are interested in any of the roles above please contact dc.harpenden@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
HitchinGroup Scout Leaders Local Training Manager Network Commissioner Social Media/PR Manager District Executive Committee members Leaders and Assistants for Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer sections If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.hitchin@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Letchworth and BaldockGroup Scout Leaders Leaders & Assistant leaders all groups Training Advisers Camp Assessors Committee members all groups. If you are intrested in becoming a GSL please contact dc.letchworthbaldock@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Mid HertsADC Cubs 3 GSL’s 2 Cub Leaders District Chairman ASU Manager Network Commissioner If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.midherts@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Potters BarDistrict Commissioner If you are interested in this position please email cc@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Rickmansworth and ChorleywoodADC Beavers Local Training Manager (LTM) District Secretary If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.rickchorley@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
RoystonLocal Training Manager District Chairman (Starting after Summer) District Treasurer (starting after summer) District Explorer Scout Commissioner – to manage our three units Assistant Explorer scout leaders and sectional assistants – one Position in each of the three units to enable them to expand to meet the future numbers moving up from scouts in September If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.royston@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
St AlbansLeaders Assistant leaders Sectional assistants for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers in most groups/units. Trustees for some groups especially Markyate, Flamstead, Colney Heath and Park Street. GSLs for Park Street, the 9th 18th and 5th/13th St Albans. ADC Beavers A Marketing and PR person. Please note that volunteers (trustees and leaders, assistant leaders and sectional assistants) are needed in the villages outside the city that form part of our district too. These are Redbourn, Markyate, Plamstead, London Colney, Colney Heath and Park Street If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.stalbans@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
StevenageDistrict Network Leader Beaver Leaders Scout Leaders If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.stevenage@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Watford NorthDistrict Commissioner (Lead Volunteer) 3rd NW (Abbots Langley) GSL 4th NW (Bricket Wood) GSL, SL, CSL, BSL DESC District Safeguarding If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.watfordnorth@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Watford SouthDistrict Chairperson ADC Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Development DESC GSL 1st Watford South Section Leadership roles across the whole of Watford South If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.watfordsouth@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
Ware and DistrictDistrict Exec Secretary District Exec Members ADC Cubs 2 GSL Roles Section Leaders Section Assistants District Youth Commissioner If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.ware@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk
West HertsDESC ADC Cubs ADC Scouts District Commissioner Leaders and Assistant Leaders Executive Team Members If you are intrested in any of the roles above please contact dc.westherts@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk