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D of E E-Sign

Please e-sign below to confirm the following (Parent/Guardian if under 18/Participant if over 18):


a. I confirm that the participant (if over 18) holds a current DBS (formerly CRB) check, proof of this may be requested

b. I understand that Phasels Wood Activity Centre standard terms and conditions apply to this residential activity

c. I consent to a member of staff arranging for any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, first aid, anaesthetic, blood transfusion or the administration of treatments during the residential experience considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I understand that in the event of a serious accident or medical emergency, every reasonable effort will be made to contact the Emergency Contact listed. In addition, efforts to obtain their consent will be made, provided medical opinion does not consider the time delay inadvisable.

d. I confirm that the participant (if under 18), is not subject to restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (which applies only to person who have served a term of imprisonment or youth custody) and give permission for (the person named above) to take part in Rifle Shooting as part of a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Residential. 

Thanks for submitting!

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Hertfordshire County Scout Council registered charity in England and Wales: 302606 Scotland: 039650 

All images and content on this site are protected by copy right and cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission of Phasels Wood Activity Centre

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